These words were posted on one of my friend's blogs:
"Okay, this is the first I've heard of a blog "tag", but as I understand it, I am supposed to post six quirks of little known facts about myself and then "tag" six people to do the same-- " and the list included me so here goes nothin'.
Okay, so I have been tagged--I have to publish 6 of my quirks for all the world to see, so here goes:
1-I really enjoy rearranging my furniture.
2-I just discovered I am more of a city girl than I ever realized!
3-If all things were equal--and they clearly are not--I would rather leave my house without makeup than leave dishes in my sink.
4-I love ethnic food!! And for the record, I am just discovering how strongly I feel this way. Man do I miss my Thai restaurants, Greek Restaurants, Lebanese Restaurants, Salvadorean Restaurants and Peruvian Restaurants. I know, I know, just call me an Israelite, "We remember the cucumbers, leaks, onions, melons. . ."
5-This is getting hard, I am pretty boring. I mean after all, I don't read Physics books for fun like Tami H. does. Hmm, let me think, well I guess it is kind of quirky to have been praying for several months that God would improve my cooking skills. We are beginning to see him answer this prayer in me, the other day Karl said I was "en fuego" with cooking meals lately:). I have a loooooooooong way to go.
6-I look forward to working as a nurse again, maybe in a nursing home. In college I worked in a VA nursing home, helping 80+ year old men with diapers and showers and catheters. I actually enjoyed it and would do it again, hopefully someday.
Okay, that's my best shot at it for now. So now I officially get to tag six other people to make a post of their quirks. Okay, I tag Debbie P., LeAnne K., Kim S. (you blogging at all?), and Jean.
Thanks Kim, that was fun.
comment on #5... As long as nothing was literally "on fire", you're okay. :)
Thanks for playing along...I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
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