Friday, October 31, 2008

Holiday Weekend. . .whatever. . .

There is a strange phenomenon here in Georgia. The weekend that University of Georgia plays University of Florida in football at the Jacksonville Gator Bowl is like a holiday weekend for folks around here. There are cars everywhere with those little flags waving in the wind as they drive. I must admit the Gator in me, though never a major fan, doesn't really love this too much, but at least it does have some entertainment value.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Our new dog has heartworms. The Humane Society said they could pay half, so tomorrow she will receive a shot and not be allowed to have much exertion for a month. . . and then we hope she doesn't need more treatment.

Monday, October 27, 2008


We have just adopted the sweetest dog from the Humane Society. She loves to cuddle and walks right by our side on a lease, she loves to lick and wags her tail when she sees us. She is so dear. More photos and more of the story later. . .

Fort Frederica with the Chapmans

These are a few photos of our weekend trip to Fort Frederica here on the island with the Chapmans. It was a place where the British in the area had troops and a fort to try to gain more land and fight the Spanish. That is my version for now, if I tried to get it all in I wouldn't get the posts posted.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Library Day!

Going to the library is a bit of a different experience these days. The grounds of the library are as exciting as the books. Seems like Wednesday has become our library day. Thought you might enjoy seeing these trees.

When Tim was hanging from this branch his feet were about one inch from the ground. He didn't realize that he was that close to the ground, so he was saying "Help, help!" And I wasn't helping because I wanted a picture and knew he wasn't in danger. Then he saw me with the camera, and continued hollaring for help, only this time he said, "Help, help, cheese, help!" :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Afternoon at the park by the pier.

After picking Anna up from school we went to the park by the pier with Wendy and her three kids, this is Caroline.

Roosters and a pig on our morning walk.

When Tim and I go on a morning walk we go behind the restaurant at the end of the street and visit the pig. We also see lots of roosters and chickens, one has babies but I didn't get their photo yet.

More beach shots!

Fall leaves!

Not from around here!! My brain is convinced it is late August, early September at the latest. These leaves were mailed to us from Grammy in New Hampshire!

Have seen more of these things in the last 4 months than in the last 14 years!

We have even gotten an exterminator out too, it just means I find a lot of them dead too.

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