As some of you may have noticed, my blogging has decreased in frequency. There is a reason for that. Obviously the first reason was the school move. That was a very time consuming venture. But as of 3 weeks ago I began working 2-3 days a week, only until 3 pm at a doctor's office.
I saw this doctor last May and it was the beginning of a life changing healing for me. I can honestly say I feel like myself again for the first time in years, and I happened to have lost over 40 pounds. Praise be to God!
Today I typed up a bit of my story for her to post on her web-site and I thought I would post it here too.
Surely I have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. . .(ref Psalm 27)
My life prior to having children was a very productive, joyful, and active life, characterized by a love of exercise in the form of bike riding and jogging.Since having three children I have experienced severe insomnia, as well as depression that only resolved for a few months between my first and second child. By the time I had my third child my body seemed unable to recover without the aid of prescription anti-depressants.Yet, even with this medication, I still didn’t feel like myself.I felt better, but not like my pre-child bearing self. Not long ago, while weaning very slowly of off one of the medications I was prescribed, the insomnia came back full force, and so did a depression that was worse than any I had experienced up to that time. I fought hard to endure this trial. I was determined never to take any drug like that again; the withdrawal from the medication was worse than the original depression, which was bad enough itself.Months went by and I only came to realize that I needed something to help me to live a productive life for the sake of my family.Fearful of withdrawal, but sure I needed it, I ended up taking another anti-depressant.And again, I was helped, though I never felt as strong as my pre-child bearing self.
In July of 2008, God saw fit to move my family to Georgia, where my husband's calling was clear.Little did I know, he would meet me here too with an answer to 8 years of prayer for healing.I saw Dr. Cabeca in May of 2009 for the first time.She immediately started me on her detox program and placed me on some supplements.She also found some cysts on my ovaries, a likely relationship to some underlying hormonal imbalances related to how I had felt since 2001. For the first time in 8 years, since being on Dr. Cabeca’s protocol, I can honestly say I feel like my pre-child bearing self again. The thought of exercising is again a pleasure and not a chore.Finishing thoughts and making decisions comes easy.The thought of going up the stairs for the socks I forgot to get is not the burden it once was. And ultimately, I am sleeping like a normal person.I fall asleep quickly and am able to return to sleep with ease.Surely, God has answered my prayers, and brought healing to my body thru Dr. Cabeca’s vast knowledge and experience with the workings of a woman’s body.I couldn’t be more thankful.
I can not write this testimony without also giving thanks for Kim Stoy, Tami Holmes, and my precious husband, without whom, humanly speaking, I would not have endured this trial.